Hi, my name is Sashenka and I’m your new official cashmere coats supplier

Ok, so maybe it’s a bit early to say it but the time is running out for me. If I want to launch my line in September then I only have 7 months. That’s 5 month less than the usual new designer 12 month cycle. I have to get my skates on and find a sample and pattern maker.

Today I called an old client of mine. I remembered that she is in business of making beautiful, whimsical wedding dresses as I asked if she could recommend me someone. She made a phone call and gave me a name of her friend contractor (apparently that how they are called in the industry- who knew)

You know what? I think I know of her. I my native country I have a tailor extraordinaire who did all my best coats for me. I remember now that she had mentioned her sister in London who had a tailor shop. Certainly the name matches… I’m really curious now! Well, I will know soon enough πŸ™‚


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